Yo!Coach vs Pinlearn

Yo!Coach vs Pinlearn: Prices Can Be Misleading

How Yo!Coach is different from Pinlearn and why is the latter so moderately priced? A common query of our prospects these days and one we often feel needs a more elaborate answer.

To begin with, this is a question that's bound to strike any business owner that's considering different software to launch some form of business. Usually, there's a tendency to believe that if the feature sets of two software are more or less similar, you can opt for the more economical of the two. But what if the pricing gap is quite substantial? That creates the confusion. Does a higher price usually translate into higher quality and vice versa?

In the following comparison, we'll attempt to address all such questions. Moreover, we'll help the prospect understand how a software's price tag can be misleading and may not disclose the whole story behind its functionality, usage, security, and support. So let's dive into it straightaway.

  • Features &
  • Brief
  • Qualitative
  • Product
  • Client
  • Customization
  • Product
  • Product
  • Special
  • Final
Yo!Coach logo

A product of FATbit Technologies, launched in 2004

  • Delivered 1000+ successful projects
  • Serving a global clientele in over 40+ countries
  • Catered 15+ niches through customizations
  • 19+ Years of experience
Pinlearn logo

Ed-tech company, launched in 2016

  • Only 1 successful project showcased
  • No proof of global coverage
  • No proof of architectural customization
  • 2+ Years of experience

Head to Head Comparison: Yo!Coach vs Pinlearn

The features and functionality of tutoring software translate into the capabilities that set it apart from the competition. Below is a head to head comparison of both software along the lines of their features and functionalities. Key points of comparison include Admin, learners and tutors' features and settings, lesson management, payment gateways, add ons, marketing features, analytics tools, and software security.

Admin Features

Mobile Apps Yes Yes


Interactive Dashboard Yes No
Graphical Representation of Data Yes No
Language label Manageability Easy to manage all labels on the platform Can only add new label

User Manageability

Hassle Free User Management from admin end Yes Very Confusing, As they don't have detailed description
Impersonate User Profile Yes No

Multiple User Management

Multiple Admin User Management Yes No
Permission Management Yes No

Content Management System

Blog Management Yes No-(very basic only)
Website Theme Management Yes
Homepage Sections Management Yes
FAQ Management Yes
Website Navigation Management Yes

Progressive Web App

PWA Management Yes No
UI Layouts Yes No
PWA Theme Management Yes No

Tutor Management

Tutor Edit/Delete Yes Yes
Tutor Search Browse a Tutors List and search tutors by name. Browse a Tutors List and search tutors by username.
Tutor Verification Mark a tutor to display as a verified tutor in the front end. Mark a tutor to display as a verified tutor in the front end.
Language Spoken by Tutor Yes No
Tutor Filters Registration Duration - Registration Date and Time , Featured Tutors Subjects, Ratings
Tutor Approval Status Can check status via toggle button and overall verified status. Separate verification menu. Check if tutors are active or their email is verified. Approval UI is straightforward and easy to use.
Tutor Profile Modification Admin can edit the tutor's profile after logging into the tutor's profile. Admin can edit a profile to change profile picture, name, phone number, languages, etc.
Tutor Timezone For all modification options, the admin can log in to tutor to modify the timezone. Daylight Savings feature present Admin can change timezone directly. Daylight Savings feature present
Tutor Rating The admin can approve/dis-approve tutor ratings Can be managed by Admin

Appointment Management

View Orders Listing Yes No
Date-wise filtering Yes Yes
Search Filters User Name, Payment Status, Order Type, Session Status Scheduled, Completed, Cancelled, Processing

Multi-Language Management

Enable and Disable language Yes Yes
Upload language file format .csv .json
Manual translation required Yes No
Auto translation (MSN) Yes No
Right-to-left (RTL) support for Arabic Yes No

Students Management

Add/edit/delete students Edit and Disable Yes
Browse and manage the list of users. Yes Yes
Filter students by username/email. Yes Yes
Filter students who are active/inactive. Yes Yes
Filter students who have not completed email verification. Yes Yes
Filter students by date Registration Creation

Order Management

Detailed order detail Yes No
Separate order listing for Different session types Yes No

Tutor Payouts Management

See a list of pay-out requests from tutors Yes Yes
Filter pay-out requests by date, tutor name Yes Yes
Manage pay-out status approved/rejected Yes Yes

Course Management

Pre-Recorded video courses functionality Yes Yes
Course Creation Yes Yes
Course Module On/Off functionality i This functionality enables the admin to easily On/Off the course module's visibility. Switch between live sessions and pre-recorded courses seamlessly. The interface of the platform adapts automatically as per the chosen option. Yes No
Certification Yes Yes
Video Courses Notes Yes No
Courses Reviews Yes -
Pre-Recorded Course Progress Tracker Yes Yes
Vdocipher (Video hosting tool) Yes No

Currency Management

Currency Globalization Yes No
Currency Conversion API Yes No
Price Manageability Setting Yes No

Forum Management

Manage Questions Yes No
Reported Questions Yes No
Forum Tags Yes No
Requested Tags Yes No
Report Reasons Yes No

General Site Settings

Set up a website name Yes Yes
Add the website logo Yes Yes
Add website favicon Yes Yes
Add website contact email address. Yes Yes
Set up commission % on each transaction Yes Yes
Issue escalation management Yes Yes
How it works page, has a youtube video Yes Yes
Third Party API Management Yes Yes
Admin can be change text for the following areas such as:
  • Footer text can be translated with static words.
  • Signup page
  • Login page text
  • Home page (how it works block)
  • Teach with us page text
Yes Yes


? The webpage has been created with consideration and care. We strive to ensure that all information is as complete, correct, comprehensible, accurate and up-to-date as possible. Despite our continuing efforts, we cannot guarantee that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate or up-to-date. We advise - the readers should not take decisions completely based on the information and views shared by Yo!Coach on its webpage, readers should do their own research to further assure themselves before taking any commercial decision. The 3rd party trademarks, logos and screenshots of the websites and mobile applications are property of their respective owners, we are not directly associated with most of them.

Student Features


Session Notes

Notes Yes No


Analytics Yes No
Find a tutor as per applicable students details. Yes No
Gift Card Yes No
Session Log Yes No
Messages History Yes No
Detect Tutors Session Start Time Yes Yes

Profile Management

Switching between Tutor profile and learner profile Very easy with just a click a user can switch between Tutor and Learner profile Only single profile
Sync with Google Calendar Yes No
Cookie Consent Settings Yes No
Account Deletion Option Yes No
Add/Update/Remove profile information such as Email, phone number, address, etc. Yes Yes
Add/Update/Delete a profile description. Yes Yes
Now there is an option to edit the password for the users (Tutor and student) from the frontend. Yes Yes
The profile of the tutor can be shared through Facebook and Twitter by the user. Yes Yes

Transaction Management

Digital wallet for students Yes No
Browse a list of all the transactions done on the website with status details. Yes Yes
Browse details of all the transactions done on the website. Yes Yes

Lesson Management

Browse a list of all the lessons purchased on the website with status. Yes Yes
Browse details of all the purchased lessons on the website Yes Yes
Sort the list of transactions by the tutor, price, date, enrolment type, status, etc. Yes. Filters - Status, class type. Yes
The student can reschedule his sessions before the allowed duration. Yes Yes
Students can't book a group class when it overlaps with their existing class. Yes Yes
Students can rate and review the tutor once the one-one class and group class are completed. Yes Yes
Buy recurring one-one Lessons Yes No
Buy 1 on 1 Classes as Bundles Yes Yes

Tutor Features



Single sign-up interface for tutors and students. Yes Yes
Dedicated dashboard for registered Tutors. Yes Yes
Gift Card Yes No
On-site chat between tutors and students. Yes Yes
Detailed dashboard with all the critical analytics displayed in a graphical interface. Yes Yes
Easy to use navigation for hassle-free movement across different interfaces in the dashboard. Yes Yes
Tutors need to upload verification, certification document, and resume during registration. Yes Yes

Profile Management

Add/Update/Remove profile information such as Email, phone number, address, etc. Yes Yes
Add/Update/Delete a profile description. Yes Yes
Update resume (work, education, experience, certifications in their profile, etc.). Yes Yes
Account delete option Yes No
Sync with Google Calendar Yes No
Choose from a list of the subjects to teach. Yes Yes
Add introduction videos in the tutor profile. Yes Yes
Tutors can share the profile on social media Yes Yes

Transaction Management

View details of each transaction. Yes Yes
Digital wallet for tutors Yes Yes
View commission details of each transaction No Yes

Appointment Management

A dedicated list of all the appointments booked by the students with the respective tutor. Yes Yes
Sort appointments-list based on multiple aspects such as Subject, Date, status, etc. Search-based sorting. Yes
Zoom links against each appointment for the tutors. No Yes
Trigger email notification by tracking host did not start zoom class. Send notification to Tutor & Admin - Using zoom API - track if the host did not start the zoom class at the appointment time and then trigger an email notification to both tutor and admin. No. Students can escalate and ask for a refund. Yes
The tutors can upload lesson material to the students from the appointments page. Yes Yes
Tutors can attach lesson materials for the students for his 1-1 and group class against each appointment from their appointments page. Yes Yes
The auto-recorded session was available for Students only. Now it's available for tutors and admin also against each completed appointment. No Yes
Google Calendar Sync Management Yes Yes
Detect Tutors Start Time Yes Yes

Payout Management

Tutor earnings and balance pay-out details. Yes Yes
Track the pending pay-outs and approved pay-outs for any two time periods. Yes Yes
Add bank-account details to receive pay-outs from the Admin. Yes Yes
A detailed list of all the pay-out transactions done with multiple filter options. Yes Yes
Tutors can also request their payouts from a PayPal account or a PayPal email id. Yes Yes

Refund Request Management

A dedicated list of all the active, pending and approved refund requests. Yes Yes
Approve/Decline a refund request after citing the reasons Yes Yes


Social Login Yes, by default 99 USD
Currency Conversion API Yes, but manual 199 USD
PayPal Payout Yes, by default 249 USD
Multiple Sub-Admins Yes, by default 199 USD
Email Management Yes, by default 149 USD
Add Appointments to Google Yes, by default 149 USD
Arabic Right To Left Multi-Language Yes, by default 249 USD
PayPal Yes, by default 199 USD

Online Meeting Tools

Jitsi Yes No
Atom Chat Yes No
LessonSpace Yes Yes

Analytical & Marketing Tools

Google Analytics Yes Yes
Any live chat software Yes No
Graphical Stats Yes No
Information from Google Analytics Yes No
SEO settings like keywords and description. Yes Yes
Option to enter meta tags, Google Analytics code. Yes Yes
URL Rewriting Yes No
Robots.txt file Yes No
Sitemap Yes No
Social Media Profile Sharing Yes Yes


User Account Deletion Yes, through erasure request No
Cookies Management Yes No

Payment Gateways

PayPal Standard Yes No
Authorize.net Yes No
PayGate Yes No
PayStack Yes No
Stripe Yes Yes
Manual Bank Transfer Yes Yes
Multiple Payment Gateway Addons available on request Yes Yes

In Simple Words

As is quite evident from the comprehensive comparison, Yo!Coach edges Pinlearn in many aspects of tutor/learner management as well some crucial 3rd party integrations. In fact, Pinlearn's lower pricing might be explained by its lack of add-ons. If we account for the cumulative cost of integrating some of these add-ons, Pinlearn's final price would easily surpass Yo!Coach. But price alone can't be the determining factor to crown Yo!Coach as the best Pinlearn alternative. That's why we'll now compare the two software along such diverse facets as user experience, client-base & portfolio, customizability, post delivery support, documentations and much more. Here we would also like to mention that Yo!Coach offers a refund policy which Pinlearn doesn't offer.

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Yo!Coach vs Pinlearn - Qualitative Assessment

Whose User-Experience Lives Up to the Expectations?

The user experience of Yo!Coach built platforms feels like a modern system. The navigation is quite easy and fairly intuitive for the most part. In a couple of easy steps, learners can start their online learning journey. This seamless approach is contrary to Pinlearn. Pinearn has some complicated steps that are a bit difficult to learn at the beginning.

Each of these steps adds friction which can cause learners to drop out of the process. The admin panel of Pinlearn built platforms is also not as interactive as in platforms built using Yo!Coach. The graphical representation of total earnings, commissions, visitors, and website traffic in Yo!Coach becomes easy to analyze. Moreover, it enables effortless interpretation of numerical data, functions, and other qualitative structures for the admin.

Pinlearn's admin dashboard data is presented in a plain form (without charts and graphs) which is not at all appealing and interactive.

Yo!Coach Admin Panel
Admin panel

Admin Panel Distinction - Yo!Coach vs Pinlearn

The Absolute Market Truth- Yo!coach & Pinlearn Reviews



Yo!Coach Review
Pinlearn Review
Feedback for Yo!Coach
Pinlearn Review
Yo!Coach happy clients
Pinlearn Review
Pinlearn Review
Yo!Coach Review
Pinlearn Review
Yo!Coach happy clients
Pinlearn Review

Whose Portfolio Captures The Attention?

Yo!Coach vs Pinlearn clients niches

Yo!Coach has a rich and elaborate portfolio that showcases some 200 plus projects. It has catered to a wide range of niches across different geographies.

As for Pinlearn, we didn't find any substantial proof of its work. While the software company claims that it can cater multiple niches, there's hardly any project brief to be found on its official website or other independent websites that showcase popular software achievements.

Yo!Coach's most prominent platform is WTutors, which has more than 500 listed tutorings and thousands of students making use of its services. In stark comparison, Pinlearn's topmost platform creation - SuperKid has merely 7 tutors tutoring on the platform.

Yo!Coach customizable software

Which is More Customizable?

Yo!Coach and Pinlearn both claim to be fully customizable software & capable of catering to several niches in addition to online tutoring. However, no proof of work can be seen in the case of Pinlearn. On the other hand, Yo!Coach's customizable architecture has been deployed to build everything from language learning platforms, consultation platforms, music learning platforms, academic education platforms, to accent coaching platforms, and fitness & wellness coaching platforms, and many more with live examples of platforms highlighted in ample detail in its case studies.

The customizability of Yo!Coach enables it to meet new and dynamic requirements of businesses to stamp their unique identity in the market. Pinlearn, however, leaves much to be desired in terms of its capabilities and multi-niche support.

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How The Two Software Have Aged - Product
Development & Innovation

Both Yo!Coach and Pinlearn teams are dedicated to product enhancement and periodically release software updates, which are well documented on their respective websites(Pinlearn Yo!Coach). However, the intent behind updates varies in both software. Pinlearn is known to release weekly updates or patches to enhance its functionality and versatility. But this frequency of updates, particularly in a major software is questionable. It generally takes users some time to get used to a software's ecosystem and when updates are being released in quick succession, the user-experience is bound to suffer.

Yo!Coach vs Pinlearn product development

Who Provides Better Documentation?

Yo!Coach team has developed a vast knowledge base of the software which includes feature lists, user manuals, and setup guides to integrate 3rd party APIs, all of which are publicly available. Likewise, Pinlearn also provides documentation but it is not as detailed.

Yo!Coach product documentation
Pinlearn product documentation

Who Offers More Benefits & Better Support?

Yo!Coach comes with a number of additional benefits owing to its partnership with 3rd party service providers. A discount of 40% and 50% is available on AtomChat and LessonSpace when you buy subscriptions for these services using Yo!Coach's coupon codes. Moreover, Yo!Coach also comes with free digital marketing services which include Google Analytics, Search Console, and Business Profile setup. These services help businesses gain recognition and appeal even before their big launch in the market. While Pinlearn and Yo!Coach both offer 1 year free technical support, the latter offers multi-channel support in the form of email, phone, skype and Bizixx(in-house project management tool). Pinlearn's support is only available via call or email.

Yo!Coach benefits and support
Choose Yo!Coach for enthralling benefits and better technical support
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Pedigree In the Technosphere

Whenever one's considering a software for use, it's common to do some background check and find out how that service came to be. That usually involves taking a look at how long the software has been around and checking newsworthy content to gain information about its core values, achievements and vision for the future. So, in the case of Yo!Coach, we know it's a product of FATbit Technologies, a software design and development company founded in 2004 with a view to catalyze the eCommerce industry. Besides Yo!Coach, the company has 20+ white label software to cater diverse niches like eCommerce, online rental, grocery, food delivery, service marketplaces, cab booking and more.

FATbit's extensive portfolio that includes incredible businesses from every corner of the globe, is proof enough of its solid business acumen.

In Pinlearn, we find the software has a relatively obscure beginning and there's no track record of its journey through the years . We couldn't find any details about the tech team behind Pinlearn. Moreover, the software has an actual dearth of case studies that help users get an understanding about the company's methodology and know-how in solving complex business problems.

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Crowning The Winner

Be it technology, design, experience, or value for money, through the course of this comparison, it's become clear that Yo!Coach is the best Pinlearn alternative in all areas. Yo!Coach is a far superior solution that lets you focus on your business rather than the technicalities of running a tutoring system. In terms of pricing, Pinlearn might seem less expensive than Yo!Coach, however, Pinlearn fails to provide the minimum functionality required for efficient management of online tutoring business without the use of paid add-ons. Contrariwise, Yo!Coach offers more options, more freedom, and more opportunities to empower your tutoring business. So, the verdict is clear - Yo!Coach is a clear winner and it leaves Pinlearn trailing by a wider margin.

Pinlearn Alternative
With Yo!Coach cater to the diverse online
tutoring and consultation business needs
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